Why You Need To Invent Your Own Family Rituals

Think about Christmas time as a kid: what do you remember most?

It’s not the big things, but the little rituals that made it unique. 

For example, maybe your family always opened a single present on Christmas eve.

Maybe your Dad would allow you to take a sip of his Miller High Life each Christmas….

It doesn’t matter!

In short, rituals are the seasoning that gives your family its unique flavor!

(Being corny is one of my daily rituals)

Most Americans celebrate Christmas, but only your family celebrates it in your own special way.

So, What Makes A Ritual Special, Anyways? 

What makes a ritual special is its separation from normal life. 

THAT is the most important part!

For your family ritual’s to really be impactful, they should be a break from what your family does normally.


You are a family which allows ZERO processed, sugary foods in the house. 

Every spring break, the whole family has a movie night. You guys go to the grocery store together first, and each kid/parent gets to pick out two of the most unhealthy snacks that their heart desires.

What This Does For Your Family

Trust me, if you are a family of health nuts, this annual lapse in judgment will be met with huge anticipation! 

Oftentimes, the best rituals are a little bit naughty. That’s why you remember that sip of beer your dad allowed you each Christmas: it was a break from the norm. 

Family rituals are an amazing way to build a sense of identity for your family. 

By inventing your own, your kid's childhood experience will be totally unique.

Think about it like this: the best rituals are the ones your kids will brag about to their friends at school.

That’s the Dadding challenge for today:

Think up a family ritual you can do that will make your kids so happy, they are gonna brag about it to their friends at school. 


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