The 9 Do’s And Don’ts Of A Father-Son Roadtrip
The Open Road. Limitless Possibilities. The Roadtrip might be the quintessential American vacation. While taking the entire family out to Joshua Tree is awesome, the Father-Son roadtrip can be an unforgettable-moment-making-machine.
To help make sure your unforgettable-moment-making-machine doesn’t become a future-resentment-making-machine, here are The 9 Do’s And Don’ts Of A Father-Son-Roadtrip.
DO: Make Your Son Lead Navigator
His Two New Friends: Rand & McNally
Give him an atlas. Tell him: You are the navigator.
Not only will he revel in the weight of imagined responsibility, he will be growing his Spatial Intelligence, which will help in the future when he’s signing up for Geometry class.
DON’T: Be The Roadtrip Dictator
“No Bathroom Stops For You!”
Nothing kills curiosity faster than these four words: Because I said so.
Frame this roadtrip as an adventure. That means being open to his suggestions(within reason).
Which brings me to my next point…
DO: Allow Time For Spontaneous Adventures
“It’s Wayyyyyy More Impressive In Person”-You Guys Explaining The Pics To Your Wife
This isn’t the cross-country mission to college you took when you were 18.
Is your son ridiculously excited to see The World’s Largest Ball Of Sisal Twine?
Do it!
The fun of a roadtrip is the capacity for spontaneous adventures.
You aren’t on a bullet train. Take advantage of what makes a roadtrip special.
DON’T: Pass Through A Major City During Rush Hour
“How many more minutes, dad?”
If road trips are all about feeling the wind in your hair (if you still have some), nothing deflates the mood faster than bumper to bumper traffic.
If you know you have to pass through a major city, do your best to do it early in the morning, or late at night.
DO: Take A Peek Under The Hood Before Embarking
…Or Have The Pro’s Do It
If you thought some traffic killed all of your momentum, wait ’til your transmission craps out in the middle of northern Idaho.
Trust me, you do not want to be stranded in Kooskia for three days.
DON’T: Be A Cheapskate
Not Pictured: The Laxatives Necessary After 3 Straight Baloney Sandwich Days
Baloney sandwiches are great, but a real meal every once and awhile is essential to making sure that your road trip is not entering future-resentment-making-machine territory.
Splash out on at least one real meal a day.
Both your bowels and your son will thank you.
That being said, another great way to save money is…
DO: Bring Camping Supplies!
Long Exposure Selfie Not Included With Tent
While hotel stays can be an essential recharge after a long day crammed in the car, spending the night under the stars can be one of those moments your kid will never forget.
Plus, this isn’t an ultralight thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail.
Bring all the gadgets you want.
Bring that heavy cast iron griddle.
Make Smashburgers in Yellowstone.
DON’T: Check Your Emails
Is It Worth Your Joy?
Before you go, make sure that you have taken all of the steps necessary to unplug.
By being confident you aren’t forgetting something, you fully immerse yourself in the moment.
(Your kid will appreciate it, also)
DO: Give Your Kid Disposable Cameras And Hire Him As Your Photographer
You’re Out-Of-Frame, Dad!
Again, this is an opportunity to make your kid feel like he’s contributing towards the mission.
Novelty of a Film Camera + The Mystery of How The Pics Will Turn Out =
Fun lesson in delayed gratification.
Now, all of this has been fun, but whatever you do……
Don’t Do It, Man
If you don’t want this trip to forever be associated with the in’s and out’s of puberty, save “the talk” for a day you don’t plan on doing anything fun.
Let this trip be memorable for all of the right reasons, and none of the awkward ones.